I love mysteries. But unlike the advances in forensic science that have caused a sea change in solving murders previously only fathomable by sleuths such as Hercule Poirot, the advances in laboratory testing methods have outpaced the ability of the medical community to unravel the controversial mysteries surrounding absorption of steroid hormones. How did the Mystery Start? This ultimately stems…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Saliva Testing, BHRT, Patient Education, Menopause

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The Strange Case of the Disappearing Hormone

The recent news about a study regarding women who get mastectomies to prevent breast cancer is stunning.  This study finds most women who get double mastectomies don’t need it. They react out of fear. And this has many doctors puzzled. Can we prevent breast cancer occurrence through primary care means? The short answer is yes, we can. We can identify breast cancer risks.…

Tags: Breast Cancer, Hormone Balance, Estrogen Dominance, Estrogen, Estrogen Metabolism

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Breast Cancer: Fear & Preventative Double Mastectomies An Unnecessary Mix

It certainly isn't news that hormones are involved in skin health. But it may be news that effects of declining estrogen levels are more obvious on the skin of the face than elsewhere on the body. How so? Read on. Lower Hormone Levels = Lower Skin Vitality. Women and their doctors have known for a long time that the decline in hormone levels as we age has a negative impact on skin properties, and we…

Tags: Skin Vitality, Hormone Balance, Stress, Thyroid Health

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Have Persistent Skin Problems? Think Hormones

Diet, stress, sleep loss and sun damage are several obvious factors that influence how skin looks and feels over time. Far less obvious - and often overlooked - is the hormonal connection that is so vital to youthful skin. Popular cosmetic cover-ups and expensive anti-aging creams that work on the surface don't get to the root of persistent skin issues and may even contribute to the problem. Our…

Tags: Skin Vitality, Hormone Balance, Patient Education

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Skin Vitality Tests Uncover the Roots of Persistent Skin Issues

Men and testosterone therapy have been a hot topic in the news recently. Stories are filled with cautions about the use of testosterone therapy in men causing heart attacks and leading many doctors to question testosterone supplementation. A closer look at the study may provide more insight. The study released is referenced at the end of this post. This study looked at 55,593 men who started…

Tags: Heart Health, Testosterone, Hormone Balance, Cardiovascular Disease, Andropause

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Men's Heart Health & Testosterone

Hormone Health Educator Candace Burch hosted an informational webinar explaining how hormones affect our weight - specifically, how they inhibit our ability to lose weight and keep the pounds off. During the webinar, we received many great questions from the audience and Candace has answered them below.I've reduced my stress and eat well, but still have high cortisol levels. What else can I do?It…

Tags: Weight Management, Hormone Balance, BHRT, Xenoestrogens, Patient Education, Adrenal and Cortisol

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The Hidden Truth About Hormones And Weight Gain: Your Questions Answered

Weight management is a topic that generates a lot of questions. There are many contributing factors, and if diet and exercise haven't worked for you, there may be underlying causes to consider. Hormone imbalance is one of them, so I've answered 10 of the most frequently asked questions that arise when patients start to think about getting tested. Let's jump in...1. Why do postmenopausal women gain…

Tags: Weight Management, Hormone Balance, Patient Education, Metabolic Health, Estrogen Dominance, Menopause, Vitamin D

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The Hidden Truth About Hormones And Weight Gain: Your Top 10 Questions

During National Breast Cancer Awareness month, we should all take a pause to consider our health. As it turns out, losing weight and balancing hormones may be two of the most important actions we can take to reduce breast cancer risks in our lifetime. And the science is on our side here. There are numerous studies in the medical literature linking hormones and lifestyle to cancers. A recent study…

Tags: Breast Cancer, Hormone Balance, Estrogen Dominance, Patient Education, Bioidentical Hormones

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Balancing Hormones Can Help Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

In the recent ZRT-hosted webinar, we answered the question: what's the hormone weight gain connection? We discussed the key hormones involved in weight management - estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol, thyroid, insulin, and vitamin D. And we outlined their respective roles in regulating blood sugar, insulin, fat storage, and metabolism. We received a variety of questions from the…

Tags: Weight Management, Hormone Balance, Xenoestrogens, Estrogen Dominance, Adrenal and Cortisol

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Now You Know the Hidden Truth about Hormones And Weight Gain

Last week we discussed how shifting hormone levels can lead to fat storage. This week we continue the discussion on the link between hormones and weight gain. Chances are that many of your patients have never heard of insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome. And yet this cluster of conditions and symptoms has become synonymous in the medical literature with dramatically higher risks for diabetes…

Tags: Weight Management, Hormone Balance, Heart Health, Cardiovascular Disease, Metabolic Health

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Can Metabolic Syndrome Lead to Diabetes & Heart Disease?

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