According to the American Institute of Stress, 55% of people in the United States experience daily stress. Stress is, technically defined as the body's nonspecific response to any demand – pleasant or unpleasant – but more commonly perceived as a state of physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension. Chronic stress is especially prevalent in the workplace, with 83% of employees reporting daily work-related stress. However, statistics show that stress among students is also significant, common, and increases proportionally to a student’s progress through the educational system.…

Tags: Mental Health, Brain Health, Adrenal and Cortisol, Cortisol

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The Science of Stress: The Time-Dependent Multimodal Effects of Stress Hormones on Memory and Learning

For the past 4 weeks, each morning for me starts with a cup of coffee and a side of news about the global health pandemic in which we’re living. Invading our world rapidly, forcing everything to look different today compared to just a month ago, COVID-19 has everyone on high alert! Throughout the rest of my day, I allow myself to be interrupted by articles about the virus, nurturing the feelings…

Tags: Adrenal and Cortisol, Androgen, Cortisol, Covid19, Estrogen, Hormone Testing, Hormone Balance, Immune System, Selenium, Stress, Zinc, Vitamin D

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The Importance of Hormone Balance for a Healthy Immune System During COVID-19 Outbreak

In the U.S., the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us - a day traditionally set aside to gather, feast and give thanks. Aside from the holiday that reminds us to be thankful, gratitude in and of itself brings on powerful emotions of contentment, satisfaction, and resilience. There is an abundance of research on the benefits of spending even 5 minutes expressing, writing about, or meditating on…

Tags: Mental Health, Stress, Depression, Sleep, Hormone Balance, Neurotransmitters, Adrenal and Cortisol, Hormone Testing, Saliva Testing

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Practicing Gratitude for Ultimate Self-Care

Over the past few years, dozens of Moon Milk recipes have appeared on various culinary and wellness blogs. These beautifully colorful and fragrant bedtime drinks are a trendy twist on the traditional Ayurvedic preparation of warm milk with an adaptogenic herb, usually Ashwagandha, given at bedtime to promote restorative sleep. Cow, coconut or nut milk may be used, and recipes often include other…

Tags: Sleep, Herbs, Stress, Anxiety, Neurotransmitters, Weight Management, Adrenal and Cortisol

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Ashwagandha: Ancient Medicine for Modern Adrenals

While cannabis is being legalized in more and more states, both the adverse and beneficial effects of its use are starting to be better understood. The active compound in cannabis, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is widely known to have effects on the brain, producing the “high” that many users are seeking. However, the other more adverse effects cannabis can have on the body are less widely known. In…

Tags: Endocannabinoid System, HPA Axis, HPT Axis, HPG Axis, Estrogen, Androgen, Adrenal and Cortisol, Thyroid Health

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The Effects of Cannabis on Your Hormones

As we step into 2018, ready to deepen our understanding of the critical balance of hormones and neurotransmitters, as well as the role of elements in optimal health, we wanted to take a brief moment to reflect on the top stories of the past year. Following is a round-up of 2017's most popular posts for practitioners.…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Cancer, DHEA, Adrenal and Cortisol, ADD and ADHD

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Looking Back: Popular Articles for Providers in 2017

If you come by ZRT on Halloween you’re likely to be greeted by a witch, vampire, zombie or other nightcrawler. We take our decorations and dressing up seriously around here, and finding people in costume processing your labs or taking your calls is par for the course. Laughing aside (and let me tell you, some costumes are hilarious) those who live their lives by night – on the graveyard shift – can…

Tags: Sleep, Adrenal and Cortisol

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Cortisol Patterns For Graveyard (Shift) Workers

One of ZRT's most popular tests includes diurnal assessment of a patient's salivary cortisol levels. On the surface, these tests seem easy enough to interpret, but experienced clinicians know there can sometimes be pitfalls. Patients testing cortisol in a clinical setting may take undisclosed medications, live under stressful conditions, have inflammation, genetic variations, tumors, and diseases.…

Tags: Stress, Saliva Testing, Adrenal and Cortisol

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Avoiding 3 Common Interpretation Pitfalls for Salivary Cortisol Tests

The New York Times did a remarkable story the other day that ended with the line "When you hear hoofbeats, the chances are good that it's a horse…but we must also remember that sometimes the circus is in town." ZRT is apparently hosting the circus this year. At the odds of 3-8 individuals per million – ZRT has been instrumental in discovering two cases of pheochromocytoma tumors in the last…

Tags: Neurotransmitters, Stress, Cancer, Dried Urine Testing, Adrenal and Cortisol

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Pheochromocytoma - A Rare Condition Exposed by Neurotransmitter Testing

When clinicians measure salivary cortisol and DHEA (DHEA-S) to assess stress and HPA axis function, it is common to find DHEA levels below the reference range in a number of individuals. A common explanation for the depletion of DHEA and other hormones (e.g., progesterone, testosterone) due to chronic stress is the phenomenon known as "pregnenolone steal." The pregnenolone steal notion states that…

Tags: HPA Axis, Hormone Balance, Stress, Pregnenolone Steal, Adrenal and Cortisol

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Re-assessing the Notion of "Pregnenolone Steal"

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