Infertility is a heart breaking condition that affects millions of people around the world or approximately 8-12% of couples. When a couple has been trying over a year (under the age of 35) or over 6 months (over the age of 35) screening for hormonal causes is one of the first recommended steps. This is because sometimes simple adjustments to thyroid and/or progesterone can result in…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Fertility, Patient Education

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The Fertility Screening Tool You May Not Know About

When sex hormones are tested in women either in saliva or blood spot, ZRT test reports give a ratio of progesterone (Pg) to estradiol (E2). The ratio is helpful in clinical practice when both E2 and Pg are within range, yet the patient continues to have symptoms. It is not expected to be normal or used clinically when either E2 and/or Pg are outside of their expected ranges or if the patient does…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Progesterone, Estrogen, Estrogen Dominance, Bioidentical Hormones

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The Pg/E2 (Progesterone/Estradiol) Ratio

As scientific researchers, practitioners and patients bear witness to the increasing evidence of hormone dysfunction in today’s society, Dr. Cobi Slater’s Ultimate Hormone Balancing Guidebook couldn’t come at a better time. Her premise throughout this illuminating book is that the real cause behind the plethora of symptoms plaguing modern adults of all ages can be linked to imbalances within the…

Tags: Weight Management, Patient Education, Hormone Balance, BHRT, Xenoestrogens, Bioidentical Hormones

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The Ultimate Hormone Balancing Guidebook Review

Estrogen dominance refers to an excess of estrogen when progesterone levels are inadequate. This condition can occur in women during the reproductive years, but tends to be particularly symptomatic for women during perimenopause and in menopause. Estrogen dominance is worsened by women not ovulating, women being exposed to synthetic estrogens and/or women not metabolizing estrogens correctly.…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Estrogen Dominance, Estrogen

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What is Estrogen Dominance?

Last week, I discussed Melatonin's Role in Sleep. By focusing on MT6s, we may be focusing on the tip of the melatonin iceberg. We see very high levels of MT6s in the urine as a result of pineal synthesis and release of melatonin in response to dark stimulation. Melatonin is released, fulfills its role as central nervous system sedative, resets our cellular clocks and is then sulfated and to a much…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Melatonin, Sleep

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Melatonin's Role in the Gut "Brain"

Over 25 million women a year worldwide will enter menopause and make a decision about hormone replacement therapy. For healthcare practitioners, what dosage and what formulation these hormones take is open to debate. After many years of teaching and talking to practitioners, I’ve learned that: there are many strategies for approaching dosages, everyone thinks that theirs is the best, most of them…

Tags: Hormone Balance, BHRT, Dosing, Bioidentical Hormones

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Navigating the Challenges of Hormone Replacement Therapy Dosing

Melatonin is a ubiquitous little hormone that comes in an indolamine package similar to serotonin, its precursor. Thanks to its unique structure, it can travel easily through the blood stream and readily crosses the blood-brain and placental barriers. It is synthesized and used all over the body to perform a number of indispensable roles. It’s the main reason our bodies know what time it is and…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Sleep, Melatonin

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Melatonin's Role in Sleep

WhoThere are approximately 40-50 million menopausal women in the US today with about 3,500 to 5,000 more entering menopause every day. An estimated two million women in menopause have been seeking more natural treatment solutions after a major study (WHI 2002) found greater risks of heart disease, stroke, blood clots and breast cancer among hormone replacement therapy (HRT) users.…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Menopause, Patient Education

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The 5 W's of Menopause

During the Balance Your Hormones to Balance Your Weight Webinar, many questions were asked that we couldn't get to during the one hour presentation. We followed up with Candace Burch, and she took a few minutes to respond to your questions below. Ever since I went into menopause I feel like I’m living in a different body…and have a much harder time losing weight…is this the new normal? Menopause is…

Tags: Weight Management, Patient Education, Hormone Balance, Menopause, Estrogen, Estrogen Dominance

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Hormones And Weight Gain - Your Questions Answered

Practical Takeaway: When adrenal glands become fatigued – typically as a result of prolonged, repetitive stress – the output of key regulatory hormones, like 'master stress hormone' cortisol, is diminished. Following my recent re-reading of Dr. James Wilson’s 2001 pioneering book, Adrenal Fatigue: the 21st Century Stress Syndrome, I took his advice and for the first time in months slept in on a…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Patient Education, Stress, Adrenal and Cortisol

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