Hormone Health Educator Candace Burch hosted an informational webinar explaining how hormones affect our weight - specifically, how they inhibit our ability to lose weight and keep the pounds off. During the webinar, we received many great questions from the audience and Candace has answered them below.I've reduced my stress and eat well, but still have high cortisol levels. What else can I do?It…

Tags: Weight Management, Hormone Balance, BHRT, Xenoestrogens, Patient Education, Adrenal and Cortisol

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The Hidden Truth About Hormones And Weight Gain: Your Questions Answered

In the recent ZRT-hosted webinar, we answered the question: what's the hormone weight gain connection? We discussed the key hormones involved in weight management - estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, cortisol, thyroid, insulin, and vitamin D. And we outlined their respective roles in regulating blood sugar, insulin, fat storage, and metabolism. We received a variety of questions from the…

Tags: Weight Management, Hormone Balance, Xenoestrogens, Estrogen Dominance, Adrenal and Cortisol

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Now You Know the Hidden Truth about Hormones And Weight Gain

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