Learning how to use a new test can be overwhelming, especially when it goes back to neurology which you might not have thought of since medical school. To assist health care providers in approaching neurotransmitter testing as a functional assessment, ZRT has outlined a series of key concepts below. As with any functional test that measures physiological function, the challenge lies in the…

Tags: Neurotransmitters, Mental Health

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Clinical Pearls - Getting the Most Out of Your Neurotransmitter Test

The field of epigenetics has far-reaching implications for psychiatry. As acquired epigenetic alterations can be transferred to the next generations, what scientists used to label as an inherited psychiatric disease may in fact be the result of epigenetic changes in a family’s shared environment. Many psychiatric diseases are consistent with the theory of epigenetic dysregulation because of their fluctuating nature and disease course.…

Tags: Elements Testing, Neurotransmitters, Mental Health, Mineral Imbalances

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Nutritional Lithium: Orchestrating Our Genes & Optimizing Our Moods

As far as cosmologists can tell, there were only three elements present when the universe was first formed some 13.8 billion years ago: hydrogen, helium, and lithium. As one of the three original elements, lithium is found throughout our atmosphere. The sun, stars, and meteorites burn brightly with the gleam of this highly reactive element. On earth, lithium remains a major mineral component of granite rock, and also lingers in significant amounts…

Tags: Elements Testing, Neurotransmitters, Mental Health, Mineral Imbalances

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Lithium's Billion Year Journey: A Cinderella Story for Brain Health

It may be summer outside, but for many of us winter is coming in July this year. Finally, this is the weekend when the new season of Game of Thrones arrives! The richly twisted story makes you love to hate the Lannisters, and root for the Starks and Targaryen (or is it Targaryens?). And while I'm counting down the days, I can’t help but recount my careful dissections from the end of last…

Tags: Mental Health, SAD, HPA Axis, PMS and PMDD

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Mental Health & Hormonal Imbalance in Game of Thrones

Aggression is deeply rooted in our genetic foundation. Yet it is a double-edged sword: on one side, aggression communicates dominance, an exaggerated hostile manifestation and a willful attempt to harm. On the other, aggression is innate and essential to the human condition, even instrumental to our survival as a species for attainment of resources, determent of competitors, and organization of…

Tags: Neurotransmitters, Mental Health

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Examining the "Warrior Gene" - MAOA & Aggression

In part 1 of this series, we discussed the importance of correcting trace mineral imbalances of copper and zinc to reduce behavioral symptoms and improve medication efficiency in children with ADHD. There is another nutrient that should be considered by all healthcare professionals, parents, and those struggling with ADHD: magnesium. Magnesium is a macromineral required for hundreds of the body's…

Tags: Mental Health, Elements Testing, Magnesium, Neurotransmitters, Mineral Imbalances, ADD and ADHD

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Finally Focused: Mineral Imbalances & ADHD (Part 2: Magnesium Deficiency)

Capable of generating higher consciousness, the human brain is truly impressive in its complexity. The brain not only controls how we feel and what we think, but also manages all aspects of our health. To understand the fundamentals of a healthy brain, we ought to first take the time to understand how it works.  In so many ways, our understanding of brain function evolved from studies on…

Tags: Neurotransmitters, Mental Health

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L-Theanine in Green Tea Stimulates Neurotransmitter Production & Reduces Anxiety

“Our sons were both diagnosed with ADHD by kindergarten. More than just dealing with the disciplinary and academic issues at school, my husband and I struggled to maintain a productive and nurturing household with the kids having regular meltdowns and outbursts. Our ability to connect with them became compromised. We were at our wits’ end considering medications and home school. We agonized over…

Tags: Mental Health, Neurotransmitters, Fitness, ADD and ADHD

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How Exercise Can Turn the Tide in ADHD

Everything we do, feel, think – it all starts with the brain. A balanced, healthy brain helps lay the essential foundation for optimal wellbeing. A small but significant aspect of brain health is regulated by a specific class of steroid molecules called neurosteroids. That the brain is a steroidogenic organ is widely accepted, and neurosteroids are woven into its very fabric. In fact, the term…

Tags: Neurotransmitters, DHEA, Hormone Balance, Mental Health

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The Distinction Between DHEA and DHEA-S & Why Both Are Important For a Healthy Brain

We're in a new year now and it seems like everyone's weighing in on the 5 or 10 or 20 things you and I should be doing to improve our health and wellness this year. It is January, after all, and it’s time to start setting priorities. There are tons of great ideas out there! Here are my top 5 for 2017. If you want to improve brain health, you need to make sure it gets enough oxygen, nutrition, and…

Tags: Neurotransmitters, Mental Health

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5 Steps to a Healthier Brain in 2017

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