2019 saw a varied collection of webinars for our health care providers, ranging from practical hormone therapy dosing to the complex biochemistry of the endocannabinoid system. This year we saw an abundance of support from attendees – sharing excitement for topics, actively engaging by asking excellent questions during and after the webinar, and even requesting additional webinars because they just couldn’t get enough! With these overwhelming responses, we wanted to extend the excitement by celebrating the top 5 webinars by attendance for 2019! Let’s take a look.
Hormone Replacement Therapy Dosing for Optimal Clinical Response
Jim Paoletti shared his pearls of wisdom on bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), compounding, choice of dosage forms available, and the best way to test levels to obtain the best clinical outcomes. He talked about the pros and cons of different dosage forms depending on which hormone is being supplemented, and how the hormone is distributed in the body when given by different routes. He explained terminology that is often a source of confusion in the medical community and clarified what physiologic dosing means. He covered recommendations for starting dosages, how to adjust dosing based on clinical response and how to monitor by testing, including the optimal time to test after dosing by different routes of administration. He also discussed the advantages of compounding BHRT.
Hormonal Imbalance and Adrenal Dysfunction
Dr. Jack Monaco explained normal adrenal function, the interaction of the adrenals with thyroid and reproductive hormones, and the steroid pathways showing how the various hormones are synthesized. He then went on to describe how to recognize the signs and symptoms of adrenal dysfunction, and how to become familiar with ways of testing for adrenal imbalances. Finally, he covered the efficacy of some alternative treatments for adrenal dysfunction, including various medications as well as adrenal support supplements.
New Understandings of the Endocannabinoid System and Women's Health
Dr. Felice Gersh discussed the fundamentals of the endocannabinoid system and the many roles played by endocannabinoids in the female body. She described how this system relates to female hormones, mood and cognition, the immune system, and the gut, with resulting impacts on reproductive, metabolic, emotional, cognitive, and immune health. She also reviewed the dangers and potential benefits of cannabis use by women, with these wide-ranging effects in mind.
What You Must Know About Male Hormones
Dr. Pamela Smith explored what we know about the hormones pregnenolone, DHEA, testosterone, estrone, estradiol, DHT, progesterone, and cortisol in men. She talked about the science behind hormonal function and what levels of each hormone to expect, as well as the functional implications of the decline in testosterone with age. Finally, she reviewed medical literature on hormone replacement, discussed pros and cons of supplementation, and presented some individual cases.
Understanding Thyroid Labs
Dr. Alison McAllister reviewed thyroid testing options to assess thyroid function. She reviewed thyroid physiology, symptoms of thyroid imbalance, and how to monitor thyroid function with lab testing. She explained how to use adjunctive lab testing such as iodine and selenium as well as heavy metal testing to help understand a patient’s thyroid problems. She summarized several examples of patients with thyroid problems and described what their results mean in each case.