Do you regularly see 40-something female patients who cannot budge the belly fat no matter how hard they try? Or 50-something mid-lifers who say they never had a weight problem until they hit menopause or andropause? If you haven’t considered testing their hormones yet, this should pique your interest. There’s a hormone connection to “unexplained weight gain” (ICD-9 783.1), and it could be the…

Tags: Weight Management, Hormone Balance, Menopause, Andropause, Estrogen Dominance, Vitamin D

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Physicians Get New Perspective on Patient Obesity

Practical Takeaway: Imbalances in estrogen, testosterone, progesterone and cortisol, brought on by such factors as aging, diet and the stresses of modern life, have contributed to the obesity epidemic. Our bodies have also not adapted hormonally to the challenges of regulating fat stores when presented with excessive levels of highly refined foods found in the Western diet. Are Hormones Making Us…

Tags: Weight Management, Obesity, Hormone Balance, Patient Education

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How Hormones Lead to Obesity

This blog explains what hormones are tested in ZRT's Fertility Profile and why each one is important.LH & FSH are pituitary hormones, which means they affect the brain. Their communication with growing egg follicles in the ovaries is one of the only positive feedback loops in the body. On day three or four of the menstrual cycle (day one is the first day of the period) LH & FSH are at their lowest…

Tags: Fertility, Hormone Balance, Patient Education

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At ZRT, we love Thanksgiving and all the tradition it brings. But we know holiday stress can be crippling, and we want to provide a little stress relief guidance. There are plenty of tricks to make Thanksgiving healthy, fun, and enjoyable with minimal stress! Re-evaluate the “rules” Magazine spreads and commercials featuring the perfect holiday feast bring out the perfectionist in all of us. It…

Tags: Stress, Hormone Balance

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5 Tips for A Healthy & Stress Free Thanksgiving

An FDA-approved testosterone gel was shown to significantly increase risk for adverse cardiovascular, respiratory, and dermatological events in men 65 or older who had impaired mobility and increased health risks. This is according to a recent study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) that casts a shadow on the common use of testosterone therapy in older men for…

Tags: Saliva Testing, Blood Spot Testing, Testosterone, BHRT, Hormone Balance

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Testosterone: Elixir or Dangerous Drug?

Editor’s Note: After the publication of Dr. David Zava’s last Health Watchers News and Views post, Hormone and Breast Cancer: the Latest Findings from the WHI, he received an attacking comment from a doctor who has been making claims for years that natural progesterone has the same effects as the synthetic progestins. Although, as an editor, I do not publish comments that attack, Dr. Zava wrote an…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Breast Cancer, Progesterone, Estrogen

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Natural Progesterone as a Preventive for Breast Cancer

Before you get pregnant, or right when you get pregnant, blood tests are done to check for anemia, certain viruses, blood type and other markers. Increasingly, doctors are now also testing a woman’s vitamin D level. Vitamin D has been a hot topic in the medical world for a few years, but why and how is it affecting conception, pregnancy and the health of the newborn? This question - about vitamin D…

Tags: Vitamin D, Hormone Balance, Fertility

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Vitamin D and Pregnancy

You may not be aware of the effects some chemicals commonly found in our homes and our environment have on our health and wellbeing, but these so-called endocrine disruptors are all around us and can interfere with hormone balance and the immune system. While it’s becoming common knowledge that the chemicals in our foods can affect our health, the lesser known environmental exposures may be even…

Tags: Hormone Balance, Patient Education, Toxins, BPA

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Environmental Toxins & Hormone Health

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