Developing bodies, mood swings, new social dynamics, and increasing schoolwork make puberty a tough time for many young people. For the approximately 5% of children worldwide with the neurodevelopmental condition, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), these hurdles can feel even more overwhelming.…
The ZRT Laboratory Blog

Dr. Beth Baldwin
Beth Baldwin, ND earned her N.D. at Bastyr University. She has since worked in private practice, community health and clinical research, focusing on women’s health throughout the lifespan, bioidentical hormone replacement and neurodevelopmental disorders. As a member of ZRT Laboratory’s Clinical Consultant team, Dr. Baldwin shares her knowledge to promote safe approaches to hormonal health.
According to the American Institute of Stress, 55% of people in the United States experience daily stress. Stress is, technically defined as the body's nonspecific response to any demand – pleasant or unpleasant – but more commonly perceived as a state of physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension. Chronic stress is especially prevalent in the workplace, with 83% of employees reporting daily work-related stress. However, statistics show that stress among students is also significant, common, and increases proportionally to a student’s progress through the educational system.…
In part 1 of this blog post, we discussed the use of inositol for insulin resistance and related conditions. However, in the late 1990s and early 2000s researchers were largely focused on the effects of inositol on mood. A link between insulin resistance and depression has been established since, and may eventually provide one possible mechanism of action.…
Numerous clinical trials and meta-analyses have evaluated the effectiveness of inositol therapy for conditions including metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome, and fertility. Inositol acts as a second messenger - or intracellular signaling molecule - throughout the endocrine system and in the brain, relaying signals within the cell from an extracellular hormone such as insulin or from a neurotransmitter such as serotonin. Its ability to influence metabolism, hormone production and signaling, ovarian function, and neurotransmitter balance have sparked interest in the potential benefits of inositol as a nutritional supplement. Within the last few years alone, numerous clinical trials and meta-analyses have evaluated the effectiveness of inositol therapy for conditions including metabolic syndrome, PCOS, and fertility.…
If one were to create a word cloud of our clinical consulting calls in 2020, the word “phosphatidylserine” would likely float to the center in a large, bold, brightly colored font. After a year spent coping with a global pandemic, record high unemployment, social distancing, and remote learning for students, accompanied by not only an extreme wildfire season but also a contentious presidential election in the U.S., people are stressed – and it shows.…
In the U.S., the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us - a day traditionally set aside to gather, feast and give thanks. Aside from the holiday that reminds us to be thankful, gratitude in and of itself brings on powerful emotions of contentment, satisfaction, and resilience. There is an abundance of research on the benefits of spending even 5 minutes expressing, writing about, or meditating on…
Over the past few years, dozens of Moon Milk recipes have appeared on various culinary and wellness blogs. These beautifully colorful and fragrant bedtime drinks are a trendy twist on the traditional Ayurvedic preparation of warm milk with an adaptogenic herb, usually Ashwagandha, given at bedtime to promote restorative sleep. Cow, coconut or nut milk may be used, and recipes often include other…
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