PCOS is a multifactorial condition impacted by alterations in receptors, metabolism and functionality of hormones, neurotransmitters and nutrients. It is a lifelong condition that contributes to infertility, weight gain, cardiometabolic symptoms and diseases. In this blog, we look at laboratory testing and what can and should be tested in all women where you suspect PCOS. Lab Testing for…
The ZRT Laboratory Blog

Dr. Alison McAllister
Alison McAllister, ND is the lead clinical consultant for ZRT. She sees patients in her own practice several days a week, and has worked with ZRT for over 17 years – helping hundreds of doctors understand hormone balance and the role that hormones, neurotransmitters and elements play in overall health. She is an expert in thyroid function, fertility and PCOS. In addition, Dr. McAllister also regularly lectures for groups such as the A4M and IFM at industry conferences.
It is estimated that approximately 10% of all women have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and that around 80% of them will struggle with infertility (2). While many women with PCOS will achieve pregnancy on their own, others will need medical assistance to become pregnant. In the last couple of years, the research world has dramatically expanded our comprehension of PCOS. It has long been known that PCOS involves elevated levels of female androgens particularly testosterone and DHEA. Newer research has provided deeper knowledge into the interplay between environmental, immunological, inflammatory, hormonal, and genetic factors. This rise of knowledge underscores the reality that PCOS is a more systemic imbalance far beyond the ovaries and presenting a more comprehensive challenge to those it affects.…
ZRT is a company made up mostly of women. It’s not that we don’t have men working here, but 80% of our employees happen to be women. A combination of a company mostly of women, working in the health field, and having gone to medical school which tends to take away that filter that says “perhaps certain topics are off limits,” can lead to hilarious conversations like our one today on the favorite…
Health care providers (HCPs) who want to get started with ZRT Laboratory need only take a few easy steps to begin using our saliva, dried blood spot and dried urine tests. Simply set up an account, order kits and then identify the patients who can benefit from hormone, neurotransmitter, heavy metal, and cardiometabolic testing. Best of all, when HCPs have questions about reports and treatment…
Lithium is an element that, at the present time, is considered non-essential to the human body. However, it is getting a lot of attention as a therapy, and there are interesting reports of beneficial actions of lithium. You might have seen our blog by Dr. James Greenblatt or one of the NY Times articles mentioning lithium. It is also coming up with frequency because of increasing awareness on…
ZRT has launched a month-long hormone assessment in dried urine called the Menstrual Cycle Mapping test. This is what some call the 28-day hormone test. In our profile, we test estrogen, progesterone, and LH levels throughout a month. This article tackles some frequent questions providers might have regarding the purpose of the testing and who the ideal patient is.…
The menstrual cycle is a symphony of hormones coordinated to yield an egg and to prepare the uterus and breast tissue for pregnancy. For most women, pregnancy will only take place in a very small percentage of cycles. However, the monthly surge and fall of hormones starting in menarche and ending in menopause influences the brain, breast and uterus of women and may result in numerous symptoms…
Is there anything more endearing than the photographs of your baby eating his or her first foods? Their faces squish-up, they are covered from head to toe, their tongues protrude to catch every bite or more often to try to get the revolting taste out of their mouths. Now, we parents are the ones squishing up our faces and showing huge grimaces of disgust at the latest report that our baby food is…
If you come by ZRT on Halloween you’re likely to be greeted by a witch, vampire, zombie or other nightcrawler. We take our decorations and dressing up seriously around here, and finding people in costume processing your labs or taking your calls is par for the course. Laughing aside (and let me tell you, some costumes are hilarious) those who live their lives by night – on the graveyard shift – can…
The New York Times did a remarkable story the other day that ended with the line "When you hear hoofbeats, the chances are good that it's a horse…but we must also remember that sometimes the circus is in town." ZRT is apparently hosting the circus this year. At the odds of 3-8 individuals per million – ZRT has been instrumental in discovering two cases of pheochromocytoma tumors in the last…
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- Alyssa Burns Hill, PhD, MSc, FRSPH, MIHPE
- Amen Clinics
- Candace Burch
- Christina Cowger, MA, LMFT
- Dr. Alison McAllister
- Dr. Allison Smith
- Dr. Beth Baldwin
- Dr. David Zava
- Dr. Elise Schroeder
- Dr. Felice Gersh
- Dr. James Greenblatt
- Dr. Julie Verfurth
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- Dr. Zane Hauck
- Ingrid Edstrom, FNP, M.Ed
- Jessica Strom
- Jillian Harrington, PhD, HCLD
- Jim Paoletti, BS Pharmacy, FAARFM, FIACP
- Kori Wallace
- L. Kroon, Editor
- Lissa Gienty
- Margaret N. Groves, M.Phil., ELS
- Molly Lindquist
- Nina Silberstein, BA
- Pattie Ptak
- The ZRT Clinical Consultants
- Theodore Brandon
- Theodore Zava
- Tina Mattern
- Tracy Tranchitella, ND
- ZRT Laboratory