ZRT has tested over 150,000 men experiencing hormone decline.

Men at mid-life are just as susceptible to an age-related drop in hormone production as their female counterparts. Andropause, the so-called male menopause, signifies the retreat of the key male hormone testosterone.

As a man ages, his body naturally makes less testosterone. In fact, by the time a man is in his mid-forties, testosterone levels can be down by 40%. Lifestyle factors such as excessive stress, weight gain and lack of exercise can lower levels even further – impacting stamina, drive and virility.

Men tend to notice a subtle downward shift in strength and energy first, followed by lack of enthusiasm for life’s challenges like work and competition. A man may also lose interest in sex. The hidden imbalances contributing to these factors generally include:

Low Testosterone

Leads to decreased stamina and libido, fatigue & erectile dysfunction

High Estrogen

Results in weight gain, increased chest and belly fat, hot flashes, night sweats & excessive need to urinate (BPH)

High Cortisol

Results in insomnia, anxiety, sugar cravings, feeling tired but wired & increased belly fat

Low Cortisol

Causes chronic fatigue, low energy, food and sugar cravings, poor exercise tolerance or recovery & low immune reserves

Thyroid Imbalance

This condition is commonly missed in men and may often mimic symptoms of low testosterone.

CardioMetabolic Issues

This includes high blood pressure and diabetes, and may mimic some symptoms of low testosterone – like fatigue or erectile dysfunction.

High DHT

Results in excessive need to urinate (BPH), hair loss, acne

Learn More About Andropause

Webinar: Navigating Changes in the Aging Male

Blog: Andropause – Real Men Go For Balance

Blog: SHBG – A Modulator to be Modulated

Andropause Testing Options

To restore the vital balance of hormones, we first need a detailed, accurate measurement of hormone levels. Not just numbers, but an assessment that offers real meaning.

Confused about when to test in saliva, blood, and urine? Click here to learn more.


Saliva Hormone Test Kit - ZRT Laboratory

Saliva Test Kit Includes:

Saliva Profile I – E2, Pg, T, DS & Cx1

Saliva Profile II – E2, Pg, T, DS & Cx2

Saliva Profile III – E2, Pg, T, DS & Cx4 (Sample Report)

Hormone Trio – E2, Pg & T

Diurnal Cortisol – Cx4

NEW! Saliva Steroid LC-MS Hormone Profile 7 - E1, E2, E3, Pg, T, DHEAS, & C (learn more)

Saliva Steroid LC-MS Profile 23 – E2, E3, E1, EE, PregS, Pg, AlloP, 17OHPg, Adione, T, DHT, D, DS, 7keto, 11DC, C, Cn, Ccn, Ald, Mel, ANZ, FIN & LTZ (Sample Report)


Saliva + Blood Spot Test Kit Includes:

Male Comprehensive Profile I – E2, T, DS & Cx4 (saliva); PSA, TSH, fT3, fT4 & TPOab (blood spot) (Sample Report)

Male Comprehensive Profile II – Cx4 (saliva); E2, T, DS, SHBG, PSA, TSH, fT3, fT4 & TPOab (blood spot) (Sample Report)


Blood Spot Hormone Test Kit - ZRT Laboratory

Blood Spot Test Kit Includes:

Expanded! Male Blood Profile I – E1, E2, Pg, T, DS, C, SHBG & PSA (learn more)

Male Blood Profile II – E2, T, DS, C, SHBG, PSA, TSH, fT3, fT4 & TPOab

Essential Thyroid Profile – fT3, fT4, TPOab & TSH

Elite Thyroid Profile - T4, Tgbn, fT4, fT3, TPO & TSH

CardioMetabolic Profile – Insulin, hsCRP, HbA1c, TG, CH, LDL, HDL & VLDL (Sample Report)


Blood Serum Hormone Test Kit - ZRT Laboratory

Serum Test Kit Includes:

Female Serum Hormones - Basic: E2, Pg, T, DS, C, SHBG & TSH 

Male Serum Hormones - Basic:  E2, T, DS, C, SHBG, PSA & TSH

Female Serum Hormones - Advanced: E2, Pg, T, DS, C, SHBG, TSH, fT3, fT4, TPOab, FSH, LH & FER (Sample Report)

Male Serum Hormones - Advanced: E2, T, DS, C, SHBG, PSA, TSH, fT3, fT4, TPOab, LH, PRL & FER


Urine Metabolites Hormone Test Kit - ZRT Laboratory

Urine Metabolites Test Kit Includes:

Sex Steroid Metabolites + UDH II – Dried Urine: Estrogens (13), Progestogens (7), Androgens (8), Glucocorticoids (4), Free Cortisol x 4, Free Cortisone x 4, Melatonin (MT6s) x 4, Crtn


Neurotransmitter Test Kit - ZRT Laboratory

Neurotransmitter Test Kit Includes:

Neurotransmitters Dried Urine: GABA, Glu, Gly, DA, Epi, NE, HIST, 5-HT, PEA, DOPAC, HVA, 5-HIAA, NMN, VMA, Trp, Kyn, 3-OHKyn, Tau, Gln, His, N-MeHist, Tyra, KynAc, Xanth, Tyr, Crtn

Neurotransmitters + Saliva Steroids Dried Urine: GABA, Glu, Gly, DA, Epi, NE, HIST, 5-HT, PEA, DOPAC, HVA, 5-HIAA, NMN, VMA, Trp, Kyn, 3-OHKyn, Tau, Gln, His, N-MeHist, Tyra, KynAc, Xanth, Tyr, Crtn Saliva: E2, Pg, T, DS, C

Neurotransmitters + Urine Diurnal Hormones (UDH) I Dried Urine: GABA, Glu, Gly, DA, Epi, NE, HIST, 5-HT, PEA, DOPAC, HVA, 5-HIAA, NMN, VMA, Trp, Kyn, 3-OHKyn, Tau, Gln, His, N-MeHist, Tyra, KynAc, Xanth, Tyr, Free Cortisol x 4, Free Cortisone x 4, Crtn

Neurotransmitters + UDH II Dried Urine: GABA, Glu, Gly, DA, Epi, NE, HIST, 5-HT, PEA, DOPAC, HVA, 5-HIAA, NMN, VMA, Trp, Kyn, 3-OHKyn, Tau, Gln, His, N-MeHist, Tyra, KynAc, Xanth, Tyr, Free Cortisol x 4, Free Cortisone x 4, Melatonin (MT6s) x 4, Crtn

Neurotransmitters + UDH III Dried Urine: GABA, Glu, Gly, DA, Epi, NE, HIST, 5-HT, PEA, DOPAC, HVA, 5-HIAA, NMN, VMA, Trp, Kyn, 3-OHKyn, Tau, Gln, His, N-MeHist, Tyra, KynAc, Xanth, Tyr, Free Cortisol x 4, Free Cortisone x 4, Melatonin (MT6s) x 4, NE x 4, Epi x 4, Crtn


Reference Information

Testing Catalog

Overview of Kits

ZRT Test Directory & Abbreviations

Saliva Reference Ranges

LCMS Saliva Steroid Reference Ranges

Dried Blood Spot Reference Ranges

LCMS Dried Blood Spot Reference Ranges

Serum Reference Ranges

Urine Hormone Metabolites Reference Ranges

Neurotransmitter Reference Ranges


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