ZRT provides resources to help educate patients on hormone and wellness testing.
Comprehensive list of examples of ZRT’s test reports to familiarize providers and patients with what to expect when receiving test results.
We offer digital versions of our kit instructions for both patient and provider convenience.
Our reference documents contain the information you need to test with us, including materials to assist you in selecting kits, determining the appropriate testing method, and interpreting test results
Provider educational materials offer a look into the science that supports ZRT testing and provides references to relevant publications for further reading.
Provider tools are a collection of resources to help providers determine optimal testing for their patients and what next steps are required after receiving test results.
Explore our collection of webinars offering expert advice on interpreting, testing, and treating hormone balance and wellness issues with actionable insights that you can use in your practice today.
In a series of educational videos, our Founder, Dr. David Zava, explains why we developed these testing methods, who should use which method, and how you get started with ZRT testing.
Call us at 866.600.1636 or email info@zrtlab.com